Grade 6 Tincture of Strength

Server: Balmung

Last Updated: 6/22/23 1:48:36 AM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 95
More Information

Gathering info:

326 1,050 1,050 1,570 949 1,005 74,049 78 4.20

Level 90 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 6 Tincture of Strength

Lightning Cluster 3 79 237 2/26/23 5:11:53 PM
Water Cluster 3 18 54 2/19/25 11:51:45 AM
Stonehard Water 1 10 10 7/4/23 8:10:23 PM
Moonlight Aethersand 1 400 400 5/17/23 12:00:32 PM
Grade 5 Strength Alkahest 1 398 398 10/29/22 6:22:13 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,099

Profit/Loss Normal = 634

Profit/Loss HQ = 3,634

Current Prices

Price History

Balmung Cross Server Data for Grade 6 Tincture of Strength on Crystal

Balmung 1,050 326 1,050 1,570 949 -101 1,005 74,049 78 6/22/23 1:48:36 AM
Coeurl 524 344 1,050 524 440 425 600 137,322 312 6/2/23 2:43:27 PM
Goblin 629 399 1,048 629 980 320 998 81,387 83 6/19/23 5:58:41 PM
Zalera 315 763 1,574 315 561 634 1,000 163,950 292 6/26/23 1:58:27 AM
Brynhildr 100 174 105 100 422 849 800 70,588 167 10/3/24 11:17:55 PM
Diabolos 210 759 263 210 0 0 0 0 0 6/25/23 9:39:20 PM
Malboro 410 1,108 410 420 563 539 450 331,805 589 5/28/23 8:58:45 AM
Mateus 1,887 366 1,887 1,889 2,494 -938 1,800 294,306 118 5/16/23 4:43:48 AM