Glory Be Soup

Server: Balmung

Last Updated: 4/21/23 12:27:27 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

52 1,046 1,046 1,047 3,946 995 55,248 14 3.70

Level 84 Culinarian Recipe for Glory Be Soup

Water Crystal 7 55 385 9/13/24 8:33:37 PM
Night Pepper 1 315 315 5/13/23 3:21:54 PM
Peppermint 1 26 26 6/12/23 1:00:01 PM
Perilla Oil 1 620 620 2/23/23 8:40:39 PM
Eblan Lentils 2 234 468 5/28/23 12:55:56 PM
Gridanian Chestnut 1 84 84 6/4/23 9:27:40 PM
Fire Crystal 8 79 632 9/17/24 2:35:08 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,530

Profit/Loss Normal = -343

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,157

Current Prices

Price History

Balmung Cross Server Data for Glory Be Soup on Crystal

Balmung 1,046 52 1,046 1,047 3,946 2,900 995 55,248 14 4/21/23 12:27:27 AM
Coeurl 840 43 5,252 840 5,000 3,106 5,000 180,027 36 6/23/23 7:48:20 AM
Goblin 2,100 2 0 2,100 1,999 1,846 2,000 11,995 6 6/23/23 11:57:59 PM
Zalera 3,045 12 6,300 3,045 5,041 901 2,500 60,500 12 4/27/23 6:26:42 AM
Brynhildr 4,919 57 7,000 4,919 5,174 -973 4,790 56,920 11 10/3/24 11:40:59 PM
Diabolos 2,132 9 0 2,132 0 0 0 0 0 3/16/23 6:50:04 AM
Malboro 7,020 30 24,999 7,020 18,863 -3,074 7,000 226,357 12 3/12/25 4:44:56 PM
Mateus 3,033 8 0 3,033 9,942 913 10,000 69,598 7 6/11/23 6:18:44 AM