Manganese Raising Hammer

Server: Balmung

Last Updated: 3/2/22 6:26:02 PM
Search Category: Armorer's Tools | Item Category: Armorer's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

13 47,700 47,700 48,858 48,300 244,294 5 2.60

Level 87 Blacksmith Recipe for Manganese Raising Hammer

Earth Crystal 8 51 408 10/8/23 7:38:26 AM
Manganese Ingot 3 6,192 18,576 10/7/23 3:56:31 PM
Ironwood Lumber 1 3,000 3,000 2/24/25 3:13:05 PM
Fire Crystal 8 79 632 9/17/24 2:35:08 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 22,616

Profit/Loss Normal = 17,384

Profit/Loss HQ = 26,383

Current Prices

Price History

Balmung Cross Server Data for Manganese Raising Hammer on Crystal

Balmung 47,700 13 47,700 0 48,858 1,158 48,300 244,294 5 3/2/22 6:26:02 PM
Coeurl 27,000 8 54,588 27,000 54,600 21,858 54,600 54,600 1 3/9/22 7:50:48 PM
Goblin 17,992 5 17,992 0 18,332 30,866 15,000 54,998 3 8/13/22 2:16:43 AM
Zalera 25,666 7 25,666 0 29,994 23,192 25,665 89,984 3 8/13/22 2:14:47 AM
Malboro 35,493 5 35,493 0 35,256 13,365 35,490 105,770 3 4/17/23 10:27:08 PM
Mateus 35,767 10 35,767 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/13/22 2:14:04 AM