Darkhempen Trousers of Aiming

Server: Balmung

Last Updated: 5/28/23 2:56:31 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 650
More Information

Gathering info:

1 142,785 142,785 146,250 147,500 292,500 2 0.50

Level 81 Weaver Recipe for Darkhempen Trousers of Aiming

Wind Crystal 7 49 343 9/26/24 8:43:41 AM
Lightning Crystal 8 77 616 10/6/23 10:56:36 PM
Sea Swallow Leather 1 3,144 3,144 10/2/23 8:54:53 PM
Dwarven Cotton 1 1,900 1,900 9/12/23 12:21:54 AM
Dark Hempen Cloth 3 215 645 10/8/23 11:59:44 AM
Gaja Leather 1 3,199 3,199 4/1/24 8:55:25 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,847

Profit/Loss Normal = 137,653

Profit/Loss HQ = 83,142

Current Prices

Price History

Balmung Cross Server Data for Darkhempen Trousers of Aiming on Crystal

Balmung 142,785 1 0 142,785 146,250 3,465 147,500 292,500 2 5/28/23 2:56:31 PM
Coeurl 50,232 4 50,232 0 48,989 96,018 47,840 244,946 5 6/10/22 1:06:12 AM
Goblin 42,000 4 42,000 0 39,444 104,250 38,888 78,888 2 4/9/23 5:02:52 AM
Zalera 36,741 6 36,741 0 34,050 109,509 34,995 170,254 5 5/8/23 7:23:04 AM
Brynhildr 78,750 2 78,750 0 63,639 67,500 74,999 318,195 5 5/14/23 5:45:14 AM
Diabolos 49,990 14 49,990 60,001 40,819 96,260 51,990 326,559 8 4/18/22 9:43:40 AM
Malboro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/17/23 1:05:25 PM
Mateus 63,000 1 63,000 0 57,357 83,250 60,000 229,428 4 6/12/23 2:55:53 PM