Thavnairian Wool Autumn Dress

Server: Balmung

Last Updated: 9/17/23 2:19:11 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

13 83,997 141,750 83,997 75,250 79,997 677,250 9 1.40

Level 70 Weaver Recipe for Thavnairian Wool Autumn Dress

Sewing Thread 1 788 788 6/21/23 1:43:48 PM
Wind Cluster 2 158 316 6/3/23 7:56:51 PM
Lightning Cluster 2 79 158 2/26/23 5:11:53 PM
Palladium Nugget 1 287 287 7/17/23 9:15:02 PM
Bloodhempen Cloth 1 3,950 3,950 2/17/25 12:56:57 AM
Thavnairian Wool 3 78,747 236,241 6/6/23 11:51:41 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 241,740

Profit/Loss Normal = -161,743

Profit/Loss HQ = -171,740

Desynthesizes into:

Thavnairian Wool
Lightning Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Balmung Cross Server Data for Thavnairian Wool Autumn Dress on Crystal

Balmung 83,997 13 141,750 83,997 75,250 -8,747 79,997 677,250 9 9/17/23 2:19:11 AM
Coeurl 128,173 11 129,990 128,173 109,151 -52,923 119,969 545,756 5 5/10/23 2:50:09 AM
Goblin 164,000 10 164,000 165,000 174,999 -88,750 169,999 524,999 3 9/30/23 1:06:58 AM
Zalera 47,250 33 73,495 47,250 74,984 28,000 44,000 599,876 8 6/6/23 4:38:01 AM
Brynhildr 94,496 19 94,496 94,498 73,332 -19,246 85,000 439,996 6 6/12/23 9:44:58 AM
Diabolos 104,999 13 0 104,999 102,496 -29,749 118,999 409,987 4 6/15/23 6:38:16 PM
Malboro 92,399 12 107,099 92,399 85,599 -17,149 76,000 427,995 5 6/17/23 1:49:02 AM
Mateus 83,894 21 83,895 83,894 80,967 -8,644 75,999 404,839 5 5/26/23 1:58:02 PM