Expeditioner's Kecks

Server: Balmung

Last Updated: 6/2/23 11:56:50 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

12 9,449 9,449 8,829 8,500 44,145 5 2.40

Level 60 Weaver Recipe for Expeditioner's Kecks

Ramie Thread 1 2,199 2,199 2/17/25 1:05:03 AM
Antique Rug 2 1,050 2,100 6/10/22 10:57:44 AM
Antique Leather 1 29,400 29,400 2/27/23 3:47:40 PM
Wind Cluster 2 158 316 6/3/23 7:56:51 PM
Lightning Cluster 3 79 237 2/26/23 5:11:53 PM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 3 500 1,500 3/7/23 1:50:44 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 35,752

Profit/Loss Normal = -29,753

Profit/Loss HQ = -29,260

Current Prices

Price History

Balmung Cross Server Data for Expeditioner's Kecks on Crystal

Balmung 9,449 12 0 9,449 8,829 -620 8,500 44,145 5 6/2/23 11:56:50 PM
Coeurl 5,249 23 6,458 5,249 5,499 3,580 4,999 10,998 2 6/1/23 4:59:07 AM
Goblin 10,499 11 0 10,499 13,998 -1,670 9,998 69,994 5 6/24/23 12:09:54 PM
Zalera 5,040 19 700,349 5,040 4,248 3,789 4,000 16,995 4 5/26/23 4:54:32 AM
Brynhildr 5,101 23 0 5,101 1,784 3,728 4,800 71,360 40 5/30/24 7:56:40 PM
Diabolos 5,250 7 2,399,250 5,250 4,999 3,579 5,000 19,996 4 6/16/23 3:54:26 AM
Malboro 4,999 14 0 4,999 6,617 3,830 5,000 46,322 7 1/3/24 9:53:17 AM
Mateus 6,297 9 0 6,297 5,465 2,532 5,791 32,791 6 6/2/23 6:43:00 AM