Steel Rivets

Server: Atomos

Last Updated: 2/26/23 8:29:31 PM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

87 525 578 525 595 602 4,165 7 12.40

Level 27 Armorer Recipe for Steel Rivets

Ice Shard 3 36 108 2/22/23 7:14:37 PM
Steel Ingot 1 263 263 9/21/23 8:06:53 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 371

Profit/Loss Normal = 329

Profit/Loss HQ = 779

Level 29 Blacksmith Recipe for Steel Rivets

Fire Shard 3 35 105 3/8/23 3:58:39 PM
Steel Ingot 1 263 263 9/21/23 8:06:53 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 368

Profit/Loss Normal = 332

Profit/Loss HQ = 782

Current Prices

Price History

Atomos Cross Server Data for Steel Rivets on Elemental

Aegis 839 734 840 839 799 -244 800 43,166 54 6/14/22 11:23:58 AM
Atomos 525 87 578 525 595 70 602 4,165 7 2/26/23 8:29:31 PM
Carbuncle 315 54 840 315 640 280 350 50,580 79 6/15/22 3:43:28 PM
Garuda 525 715 525 525 820 70 900 36,102 44 2/22/23 7:51:31 AM
Gungnir 355 395 355 357 412 240 500 15,266 37 2/28/23 10:24:27 AM
Kujata 500 8 800 500 294 95 580 135,611 460 3/1/23 9:20:15 AM
Tonberry 1,000 88 1,300 1,000 905 -405 1,974 152,997 169 5/30/23 1:58:32 PM
Typhon 419 2,852 420 419 497 176 400 82,609 166 2/22/23 1:59:18 AM