Indoor Marble Fountain

Server: Atomos

Last Updated: 6/11/22 2:13:32 AM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

6 786,450 786,450 724,666 750,000 2,174,000 3 2.00

Level 90 Goldsmith Recipe for Indoor Marble Fountain

Wind Crystal 32 38 1,216 8/16/22 6:52:58 PM
Annite Whetstone 5 390 1,950 8/19/22 10:08:33 PM
Ambrosial Water 4 115 460 2/21/23 2:09:44 PM
Deep-sea Marble 1 480,795 480,795 6/16/22 5:56:53 AM
Marble 7 75 525 6/3/21 3:33:23 AM
Fire Crystal 32 38 1,216 6/4/24 3:54:33 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 486,162

Profit/Loss Normal = -456,162

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Atomos Cross Server Data for Indoor Marble Fountain on Elemental

Aegis 703,500 6 0 703,500 647,920 21,166 650,000 3,239,600 5 6/12/22 1:26:56 PM
Atomos 786,450 6 0 786,450 724,666 -61,784 750,000 2,174,000 3 6/11/22 2:13:32 AM
Carbuncle 708,750 3 0 708,750 727,600 15,916 780,000 3,638,000 5 6/11/22 11:05:57 PM
Garuda 723,450 19 0 723,450 669,200 1,216 690,000 2,676,800 4 6/12/22 1:30:11 PM
Gungnir 787,280 5 0 787,280 571,500 -62,614 570,000 5,715,000 10 6/16/22 7:33:29 AM
Kujata 577,499 5 0 577,499 555,997 147,167 549,998 2,779,988 5 6/12/22 1:43:15 PM
Tonberry 29,988 17 0 29,988 29,239 694,678 29,999 116,959 4 3/2/23 9:47:05 AM
Typhon 682,500 1 0 682,500 640,366 42,166 650,000 1,921,099 3 6/11/22 11:42:47 PM