Competent Craftsman's Draught

Server: Atomos

Last Updated: 2/25/23 3:36:24 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 197
More Information

Gathering info:

618 197 1,099 197 1,018 200 310,747 305 2.00

Level 85 Alchemist Recipe for Competent Craftsman's Draught

Lightning Crystal 7 12 84 6/11/22 6:03:03 AM
Water Crystal 8 36 288 6/2/24 10:15:14 AM
Kudzu Root 2 120 240 2/22/23 7:58:40 AM
Sweet Alyssum 2 194 388 6/2/24 10:14:31 AM
Underground Spring Water 2 120 240 6/2/24 10:14:15 AM
Lunatender Blossom 2 154 308 6/2/24 10:14:43 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,548

Profit/Loss Normal = -219

Profit/Loss HQ = -232

Current Prices

Price History

Atomos Cross Server Data for Competent Craftsman's Draught on Elemental

Aegis 400 1,679 1,800 400 864 618 868 273,089 316 6/14/22 3:33:19 PM
Atomos 197 618 1,099 197 1,018 821 200 310,747 305 2/25/23 3:36:24 PM
Carbuncle 197 666 940 197 819 821 375 59,787 73 4/15/22 12:00:23 AM
Garuda 260 175 1,995 260 586 758 2,000 41,030 70 9/21/23 5:08:43 PM
Gungnir 263 2,776 1,155 263 208 755 250 1,252 6 6/15/22 4:01:26 AM
Kujata 312 1,013 1,050 312 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 9:26:33 AM
Tonberry 237 664 944 237 835 781 200 48,448 58 2/27/23 3:38:21 PM
Typhon 199 1,115 945 199 923 819 895 114,531 124 2/27/23 2:35:00 PM