Tincture of Vitality

Server: Atomos

Last Updated: 6/17/23 2:33:18 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 95
More Information

Gathering info:

200 2,100 2,100 5,229 4,897 5,105 107,748 22 9.10

Level 79 Alchemist Recipe for Tincture of Vitality

Lightning Crystal 7 12 84 6/11/22 6:03:03 AM
Water Crystal 7 36 252 6/2/24 10:15:14 AM
Underground Spring Water 1 120 120 6/2/24 10:14:15 AM
Lime Basil 2 120 240 2/21/23 2:10:21 PM
Hydrozoan Umbrella 2 273 546 4/28/23 7:07:12 AM
Chiaroglow Aethersand 1 792 792 6/25/21 10:55:39 AM
Scuroglow Aethersand 1 525 525 4/23/23 12:52:14 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,559

Profit/Loss Normal = 647

Profit/Loss HQ = 4,146

Current Prices

Price History

Atomos Cross Server Data for Tincture of Vitality on Elemental

Aegis 2,100 19 5,145 2,100 2,998 2,797 4,700 20,990 7 5/1/23 2:35:41 PM
Atomos 2,100 200 2,100 5,229 4,897 2,797 5,105 107,748 22 6/17/23 2:33:18 PM
Carbuncle 1,470 158 2,988 1,470 3,262 3,427 3,550 39,150 12 6/10/22 1:52:01 AM
Garuda 1,889 17 1,889 1,889 0 0 0 0 0 5/26/21 8:49:18 PM
Gungnir 1,050 17 3,500 1,050 997 3,847 1,000 6,979 7 5/8/23 4:32:41 PM
Kujata 105 21 4,725 105 4,799 4,792 4,800 57,597 12 6/10/23 3:56:37 PM
Tonberry 3,149 40 5,040 3,149 4,453 1,748 4,999 48,990 11 6/1/23 9:52:39 AM
Typhon 525 24 1,050 525 1,999 4,372 4,999 23,997 12 5/20/23 5:45:02 AM