White Oak Earrings

Server: Atomos

Last Updated: 5/9/23 1:06:29 PM
Search Category: Earrings | Item Category: Earrings | Sell price to vendor: 259
More Information

Gathering info:

5 14,700 14,700 9,999 9,999 49,995 5 1.00

Level 71 Carpenter Recipe for White Oak Earrings

Wind Crystal 6 38 228 8/16/22 6:52:58 PM
White Oak Lumber 2 315 630 6/14/22 10:47:16 PM
Varnish 1 841 841 7/19/22 7:59:16 AM
Ice Crystal 5 35 175 6/15/22 8:15:18 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,874

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 21,026

Current Prices

Price History

Atomos Cross Server Data for White Oak Earrings on Elemental

Aegis 15,750 4 15,750 0 15,000 -5,751 15,000 75,000 5 6/21/23 1:42:29 PM
Atomos 14,700 5 14,700 0 9,999 -4,701 9,999 49,995 5 5/9/23 1:06:29 PM
Carbuncle 20,790 3 20,790 0 19,800 -10,791 19,800 99,000 5 5/30/23 8:52:57 AM
Garuda 10,920 7 10,920 0 9,400 -921 9,400 18,800 2 6/14/22 7:52:15 PM
Gungnir 5,460 11 5,460 0 6,300 4,539 5,000 63,000 10 5/11/23 4:45:48 AM
Kujata 26,145 6 26,145 0 24,975 -16,146 24,900 99,900 4 6/25/23 3:44:34 PM
Tonberry 10,000 8 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/23/23 11:06:21 AM
Typhon 16,050 6 16,050 0 13,225 -6,051 14,280 66,125 5 5/21/23 11:28:54 PM