Pasta Ortolano

Server: Atomos

Last Updated: 6/4/21 4:26:33 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 20
More Information

Gathering info:

3 210 315 210 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 60 Culinarian Recipe for Pasta Ortolano

Dravanian Paprika 1 80 80 9/29/20 11:17:52 AM
Vermicelli 1 315 315 6/10/22 10:01:41 AM
Fire Cluster 3 97 291 7/16/22 6:34:50 AM
Solstice Garlic 1 525 525 5/13/23 7:38:43 PM
Water Cluster 2 65 130 6/2/24 11:06:10 AM
Wizard Eggplant 1 63 63 5/18/21 8:22:52 PM
Ramhorn Zucchini 1 53 53 6/11/22 6:28:22 PM
Tomato Sauce 1 21 21 6/13/21 10:56:28 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,478

Profit/Loss Normal = -143

Profit/Loss HQ = -51

Current Prices

Price History

Atomos Cross Server Data for Pasta Ortolano on Elemental

Aegis 210 11 1,050 210 0 0 0 0 0 6/4/21 5:36:18 PM
Atomos 210 3 315 210 0 0 0 0 0 6/4/21 4:26:33 PM
Carbuncle 525 9 735 525 0 0 0 0 0 6/4/21 5:08:50 PM
Kujata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/26/21 7:31:50 AM
Tonberry 1,260 2 1,260 1,491 0 0 0 0 0 6/4/21 5:20:59 PM
Typhon 103 6 525 103 0 0 0 0 0 6/4/21 6:14:44 PM