Luminous Wooden Loft

Server: Asura

Last Updated: 3/23/23 4:37:16 PM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 45
More Information

Gathering info:

25 33,578 33,578 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 90 Carpenter Recipe for Luminous Wooden Loft

Wind Crystal 32 20 640 10/3/22 12:33:00 PM
Crystal Glass 2 1,557 3,114 6/15/22 6:31:54 AM
Ironwood Lumber 2 0 0
Integral Lumber 6 538 3,228 3/10/23 3:57:38 AM
Tallow Candle 2 105 210 6/26/23 8:52:03 AM
Ice Crystal 32 37 1,184 6/15/22 10:20:47 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,376

Profit/Loss Normal = 20,724

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Asura Cross Server Data for Luminous Wooden Loft on Mana

Anima 12,075 26 0 12,075 11,000 -12,075 11,111 55,001 5 5/20/23 2:42:46 AM
Asura 33,578 25 0 33,578 0 0 0 0 0 3/23/23 4:37:16 PM
Chocobo 31,548 24 0 31,548 35,570 -31,548 30,044 355,704 10 6/23/23 3:47:51 PM
Hades 24,198 35 0 24,198 23,045 -24,198 23,045 115,225 5 5/5/23 8:59:57 PM
Ixion 15,729 26 0 15,729 15,616 -15,729 15,640 78,080 5 6/22/23 3:58:41 PM
Masamune 16,800 60 0 16,800 15,799 -16,800 16,000 78,998 5 6/1/23 11:58:30 AM
Pandaemonium 15,735 37 0 15,735 14,571 -15,735 14,985 72,855 5 6/25/23 8:58:37 AM
Titan 10,499 45 0 10,499 10,102 -10,499 9,000 151,532 15 5/24/23 12:59:40 PM