Coconut Milk

Server: Asura

Last Updated: 5/18/23 11:41:39 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

935 105 124 105 120 118 10,364 86 10.90

Level 84 Culinarian Recipe for Coconut Milk

Coconut 6 32 192 6/14/22 10:17:19 AM
Fire Crystal 8 43 344 1/15/23 3:43:23 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 536

Profit/Loss Normal = -61

Profit/Loss HQ = -59

Current Prices

Price History

Asura Cross Server Data for Coconut Milk on Mana

Anima 840 303 1,056 840 266 -720 299 26,929 101 4/22/23 6:55:34 PM
Asura 105 935 124 105 120 15 118 10,364 86 5/18/23 11:41:39 AM
Hades 158 785 388 158 0 0 0 0 0 4/3/23 12:38:32 AM
Ixion 156 1,756 604 156 204 -36 104 40,676 199 5/14/23 1:48:13 PM
Masamune 420 1,409 829 420 356 -300 400 4,988 14 4/24/23 8:34:31 AM
Pandaemonium 74 724 105 74 230 46 688 73,407 319 4/25/23 6:14:22 PM
Titan 95 654 300 95 238 25 299 21,684 91 5/30/23 2:49:56 PM