Atrociraptor Leather

Server: Asura

Last Updated: 6/16/22 8:18:31 AM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

85 735 1,575 735 654 900 22,262 34 2.50

Level 74 Leatherworker Recipe for Atrociraptor Leather

Earth Crystal 7 14 98 6/16/22 3:32:07 AM
Atrociraptor Skin 4 132 528 6/14/22 2:29:34 PM
Yellow Alumen 1 145 145 3/26/23 9:33:11 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 771

Profit/Loss Normal = 233

Profit/Loss HQ = 529

74 Bluespirit Helm of Fending
75 Bluespirit Cuirass of Fending
74 Bluespirit Gauntlets of Fending
75 Atrociraptorskin Breeches of Fending
74 Bluespirit Sabatons of Fending
74 Bluespirit Helm of Maiming
75 Bluespirit Cuirass of Maiming
74 Bluespirit Gauntlets of Maiming
75 Atrociraptorskin Breeches of Maiming
74 Bluespirit Sabatons of Maiming
74 Pixie Cotton Hat of Striking
75 Pixie Cotton Acton of Striking
74 Pixie Cotton Sleeves of Striking
75 Pixie Cotton Culottes of Striking
74 Atrociraptorskin Thighboots of Striking
74 Atrociraptorskin Headgear of Aiming
75 Atrociraptorskin Corselet of Aiming
74 Atrociraptorskin Armguard of Aiming
75 Pixie Cotton Brais of Aiming
74 Atrociraptorskin Leg Guards of Aiming
74 Atrociraptorskin Headgear of Scouting
75 Atrociraptorskin Corselet of Scouting
74 Atrociraptorskin Armguard of Scouting
75 Pixie Cotton Brais of Scouting
74 Atrociraptorskin Leg Guards of Scouting
74 Pixie Cotton Hood of Healing
75 Pixie Cotton Robe of Healing
74 Atrociraptorskin Armguards of Healing
75 Pixie Cotton Slops of Healing
74 Atrociraptorskin Boots of Healing
74 Bluespirit Headgear of Casting
75 Atrociraptorskin Coat of Casting
74 Atrociraptorskin Bracers of Casting
75 Pixie Cotton Slops of Casting
74 Bluespirit Greaves of Casting
75 White Ash Earring of Fending
75 White Ash Earring of Slaying
75 White Ash Earring of Aiming
75 White Ash Earring of Healing
75 White Ash Earring of Casting
75 Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Fending
75 Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Slaying
75 Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Aiming
75 Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Healing
75 Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Casting
74 Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Fending
74 Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Slaying
74 Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Aiming
74 Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Healing
74 Atrociraptorskin Amulet of Casting
80 Facet Bottoms of Casting
75 Bluespirit Cross-pein Hammer
75 Bluespirit Pickaxe
74 White Ash Fishing Rod
74 Pixie Cotton Hat of Crafting
74 Pixie Cotton Apron of Crafting
74 Pixie Cotton Breeches of Crafting
74 Atrociraptorskin Boots of Crafting
74 Atrociraptorskin Cap of Gathering
74 Atrociraptorskin Vest of Gathering
74 Atrociraptorskin Gloves of Gathering
74 Pixie Cotton Slops of Gathering
74 Atrociraptorskin Boots of Gathering
80 Steerhide Shoes
80 Titania Barding
80 Skybuilders' Waterproof Sheet
76 Rarefied Bluespirit Gauntlets
76 Rarefied Atrociraptorskin Cap
76 Rarefied Pixie Cotton Hood
76 Titanbronze Zaghnal

Current Prices

Price History

Asura Cross Server Data for Atrociraptor Leather on Mana

Anima 4,935 15 6,300 4,935 4,880 -4,281 4,800 24,400 5 6/15/22 11:56:59 PM
Asura 735 85 1,575 735 654 -81 900 22,262 34 6/16/22 8:18:31 AM
Chocobo 1,470 174 2,625 1,470 1,286 -816 3,000 81,063 63 2/24/23 1:51:17 PM
Hades 935 149 944 935 1,449 -281 994 28,998 20 6/16/22 8:04:34 AM
Ixion 368 198 373 368 518 286 364 15,042 29 6/16/22 6:49:38 AM
Masamune 315 99 1,355 315 518 339 500 8,298 16 6/16/22 7:57:29 AM
Pandaemonium 420 182 0 420 1,104 234 204 23,204 21 6/16/22 6:07:08 AM
Titan 158 93 0 158 397 496 400 2,782 7 6/16/22 8:51:57 AM