Stonegold Ingot

Server: Asura

Last Updated: 6/15/22 1:17:41 PM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 11
More Information

Gathering info:

250 1,050 1,260 1,050 975 1,000 30,253 31 8.10

Level 72 Goldsmith Recipe for Stonegold Ingot

Wind Crystal 6 20 120 10/3/22 12:33:00 PM
Truegold Ore 4 192 768 6/14/22 10:16:47 AM
Gold Ore 1 315 315 6/16/22 8:17:46 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,203

Profit/Loss Normal = -704

Profit/Loss HQ = -503

Current Prices

Price History

Asura Cross Server Data for Stonegold Ingot on Mana

Anima 1,167 16 3,045 1,167 1,337 -192 1,500 144,408 108 6/14/22 8:48:26 PM
Asura 1,050 250 1,260 1,050 975 -75 1,000 30,253 31 6/15/22 1:17:41 PM
Chocobo 1,272 391 1,785 1,272 1,416 -297 1,500 65,181 46 6/15/22 6:45:36 PM
Hades 840 246 1,889 840 1,627 135 1,055 40,697 25 6/15/22 1:04:05 PM
Ixion 1,040 396 1,260 1,040 1,598 -65 1,000 25,578 16 6/15/22 11:50:08 AM
Masamune 852 405 1,050 852 1,072 123 850 218,736 204 6/15/22 12:55:50 PM
Pandaemonium 1,680 129 3,149 1,680 1,650 -705 2,999 61,062 37 6/15/22 11:13:59 AM
Titan 1,040 220 1,575 1,040 1,204 -65 900 83,085 69 6/15/22 6:37:49 PM