High Mythrite Mortar

Server: Asura

Last Updated: 5/14/21 12:28:32 PM
Search Category: Alchemist's Tools | Item Category: Alchemist's Secondary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 417
More Information

Gathering info:

2 157,500 157,500 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 60 Blacksmith Recipe for High Mythrite Mortar

Fire Cluster 3 85 255 1/21/23 11:25:17 AM
High Mythrite Ingot 2 4,200 8,400 6/7/22 11:30:45 PM
Treated Camphorwood Lumber 1 5,145 5,145 6/17/21 4:52:28 PM
Luminous Fiber 3 3,675 11,025 5/19/23 9:08:43 PM
Earth Cluster 2 51 102 5/7/23 6:54:04 PM
Gold Ingot 1 21 21 6/12/22 1:07:28 AM
Wolfram Ingot 1 3,990 3,990 6/22/23 1:46:06 PM
Mastercraft Demimateria 1 8,400 8,400 6/9/22 8:13:00 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 37,338

Profit/Loss Normal = 32,662

Profit/Loss HQ = 112,662

Current Prices

Price History

Asura Cross Server Data for High Mythrite Mortar on Mana

Asura 157,500 2 157,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/14/21 12:28:32 PM
Chocobo 115,500 2 115,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/30/21 7:13:26 AM
Mandragora 99,750 8 99,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/14/21 5:25:41 PM
Masamune 84,000 1 84,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/30/21 5:27:09 AM
Pandaemonium 45,150 5 53,550 45,150 0 0 0 0 0 5/14/21 4:17:40 PM
Shinryu 168,000 1 168,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/14/21 4:45:31 PM