Dead Man's Chest

Server: Anima

Last Updated: 2/28/23 4:19:07 PM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

56 735 735 700 700 3,500 5 11.20

Level 50 Armorer Recipe for Dead Man's Chest

Splintered Chest 3 714 2,142 6/9/22 3:57:16 PM
Ice Cluster 2 23 46 6/16/22 5:17:49 AM
Earth Cluster 1 33 33 10/23/24 5:35:55 AM
Gold Ingot 2 15 30 6/11/22 1:45:58 AM
Ruby 1 3 3 6/18/23 5:30:32 PM
Sapphire 1 0 0
Wolfram Square 1 935 935 6/3/23 1:28:53 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,189

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,989

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Splintered Chest
Ice Cluster
Earth Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Anima Cross Server Data for Dead Man's Chest on Mana

Anima 735 56 0 735 700 -35 700 3,500 5 2/28/23 4:19:07 PM
Asura 840 29 0 840 0 0 0 0 0 6/16/22 8:18:39 AM
Belias 630 50 0 630 692 70 501 3,461 5 6/12/22 2:20:02 PM
Chocobo 840 28 0 840 509 -140 789 4,586 9 6/16/22 9:01:57 AM
Hades 714 54 0 714 766 -14 770 3,830 5 6/16/22 8:04:47 AM
Ixion 578 53 0 578 450 122 500 4,500 10 2/26/23 12:46:53 PM
Mandragora 725 42 0 725 657 -25 690 6,570 10 6/16/22 6:54:16 AM
Masamune 903 73 0 903 756 -203 890 9,830 13 6/16/22 7:57:37 AM
Pandaemonium 620 74 0 620 479 80 500 2,398 5 2/25/23 4:01:15 AM
Shinryu 620 30 0 620 937 80 990 3,750 4 6/16/22 6:25:50 AM
Titan 420 37 0 420 713 280 690 3,567 5 6/16/22 8:52:17 AM