Magic Broom

Server: Anima

Last Updated: 6/15/22 9:00:54 AM
Search Category: Minions | Item Category: Minion | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

30 5,249 5,249 4,892 4,980 24,460 5 6.00

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Magic Broom

Wind Shard 99 41 4,059 6/15/22 7:41:38 PM
Rosewood Branch 1 32 32 6/11/22 5:54:39 PM
Ancient Lumber 1 7,298 7,298 6/27/23 10:25:44 AM
Glazenut 1 4,410 4,410 6/14/22 7:28:02 AM
Broombush 1 1,029 1,029 5/8/23 11:47:32 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 16,828

Profit/Loss Normal = -16,328

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Anima Cross Server Data for Magic Broom on Mana

Anima 5,249 30 0 5,249 4,892 -357 4,980 24,460 5 6/15/22 9:00:54 AM
Asura 2,163 32 0 2,163 4,946 2,729 3,000 24,730 5 6/16/22 8:18:22 AM
Chocobo 2,100 31 0 2,100 1,596 2,792 2,000 7,980 5 6/16/22 9:01:24 AM
Hades 9,030 22 0 9,030 8,780 -4,138 9,000 43,900 5 6/16/22 8:04:24 AM
Ixion 473 29 0 473 428 4,419 400 2,140 5 2/28/23 4:41:51 AM
Masamune 4,725 33 0 4,725 4,454 167 4,770 22,270 5 6/16/22 7:57:22 AM
Pandaemonium 6,300 29 0 6,300 4,900 -1,408 6,000 24,500 5 6/16/22 6:06:55 AM
Titan 10,500 25 0 10,500 0 0 0 0 0 6/16/22 8:51:41 AM