Dragoon Piece

Server: Anima

Last Updated: 6/14/22 11:50:16 AM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

15 1,460 1,460 1,012 1,030 5,060 5 3.00

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Dragoon Piece

Ice Cluster 1 23 23 6/16/22 5:17:49 AM
Wind Cluster 2 63 126 5/6/23 6:53:37 PM
Varnish 5 818 4,090 6/12/22 2:03:41 PM
Stone Vigil Lumber 3 9,450 28,350 5/18/21 1:41:38 PM
Fieldcraft Demimateria III 1 840 840 3/3/23 1:07:46 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 33,429

Profit/Loss Normal = -32,439

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Wind Cluster
Ice Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Anima Cross Server Data for Dragoon Piece on Mana

Anima 1,460 15 0 1,460 1,012 -448 1,030 5,060 5 6/14/22 11:50:16 AM
Asura 452 20 0 452 745 560 730 7,458 10 6/14/22 10:17:20 AM
Belias 1,260 9 0 1,260 971 -248 1,000 4,856 5 6/14/22 3:37:53 AM
Chocobo 872 19 0 872 0 0 0 0 0 3/27/23 4:43:22 AM
Hades 977 14 0 977 1,080 35 1,200 6,480 6 6/14/22 10:04:05 AM
Ixion 525 32 0 525 632 487 500 3,160 5 6/14/22 8:52:27 AM
Mandragora 1,575 7 0 1,575 1,460 -563 1,500 7,300 5 6/14/22 8:56:26 AM
Masamune 840 18 0 840 625 172 800 2,501 4 6/10/22 11:49:29 AM
Pandaemonium 934 18 0 934 718 78 830 3,590 5 4/17/23 11:52:51 PM
Shinryu 1,040 21 0 1,040 742 -28 830 3,710 5 6/7/23 12:55:05 PM
Titan 515 14 0 515 330 497 330 330 1 6/14/22 10:46:49 AM