Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity

Server: Anima

Last Updated: 6/15/22 11:55:25 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 95
More Information

Gathering info:

1965 515 1,256 515 1,238 1,220 1,156,789 934 2.10

Level 90 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity

Lightning Cluster 3 110 330 12/26/22 12:22:03 AM
Water Cluster 3 52 156 2/24/23 12:20:21 PM
Stonehard Water 1 10 10 6/26/23 4:03:52 AM
Moonlight Aethersand 1 789 789 6/30/22 3:16:05 AM
Grade 5 Dexterity Alkahest 1 839 839 6/15/22 5:59:48 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,124

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 342

Current Prices

Price History

Anima Cross Server Data for Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity on Mana

Anima 515 1,965 1,256 515 1,238 723 1,220 1,156,789 934 6/15/22 11:55:25 PM
Asura 625 2,061 1,049 625 1,111 613 980 2,706,741 2,436 6/15/22 10:19:53 PM
Chocobo 158 7,720 1,027 158 979 1,080 978 1,751,394 1,788 6/15/22 10:59:25 PM
Hades 683 1,174 1,049 683 1,055 555 1,099 542,702 514 2/23/23 7:04:00 AM
Ixion 315 2,462 1,045 315 991 923 1,080 1,842,874 1,858 6/15/22 8:58:07 PM
Masamune 420 4,277 1,175 420 1,138 818 1,119 1,620,083 1,423 6/15/22 10:01:32 PM
Pandaemonium 205 1,317 1,250 205 1,015 1,033 1,100 1,425,897 1,404 6/15/22 8:20:56 PM
Titan 1,103 1,808 1,103 0 1,076 135 1,050 1,384,191 1,286 6/15/22 10:50:18 PM