Classical Wristband of Casting

Server: Anima

Last Updated: 6/30/22 3:12:49 AM
Search Category: Bracelets | Item Category: Bracelets | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

5 29,998 29,998 25,074 29,728 752,226 30 0.20

Level 90 Carpenter Recipe for Classical Wristband of Casting

Ice Cluster 3 23 69 6/16/22 5:17:49 AM
Wind Cluster 3 63 189 5/6/23 6:53:37 PM
Star Quartz 1 368 368 6/15/22 9:10:26 AM
Mempisang Lumber 2 840 1,680 2/21/23 4:29:11 PM
Endstone Aethersand 1 289 289 6/30/22 3:14:30 AM
Grade 6 Intelligence Alkahest 1 420 420 6/15/22 7:39:23 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,015

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 26,713

Current Prices

Price History

Anima Cross Server Data for Classical Wristband of Casting on Mana

Anima 29,998 5 29,998 0 25,074 -4,924 29,728 752,226 30 6/30/22 3:12:49 AM
Asura 23,799 10 23,799 0 21,944 1,275 23,796 438,886 20 6/30/22 4:32:39 AM
Belias 26,499 8 26,499 0 22,189 -1,425 57,794 443,792 20 6/30/22 5:01:57 AM
Chocobo 19,713 20 19,713 0 20,114 5,361 19,702 744,248 37 7/2/22 5:35:13 PM
Hades 21,990 14 21,990 0 18,880 3,084 21,990 566,418 30 6/30/22 9:19:02 AM
Ixion 22,526 16 22,526 0 20,363 2,548 21,447 285,091 14 6/16/22 1:44:39 AM
Mandragora 35,002 4 35,002 0 34,242 -9,928 33,315 171,214 5 6/16/22 1:49:12 AM
Masamune 31,289 6 31,289 0 29,619 -6,215 29,624 148,096 5 6/16/22 3:05:37 AM
Pandaemonium 34,461 7 34,461 0 26,211 -9,387 32,892 262,117 10 6/16/22 12:52:42 AM
Shinryu 88,471 4 88,471 0 30,165 -63,397 84,258 301,650 10 6/16/22 1:16:56 AM
Titan 40,200 8 40,200 0 40,300 -15,126 40,199 806,004 20 7/1/22 8:39:12 AM