Commanding Craftsman's Syrup

Server: Anima

Last Updated: 6/18/21 11:59:55 AM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 190
More Information

Gathering info:

7178 200 1,003 200 961 180 764,622 795 9.00

Level 77 Alchemist Recipe for Commanding Craftsman's Syrup

Lightning Crystal 7 10 70 7/24/22 3:04:49 PM
Water Crystal 7 28 196 6/15/22 2:55:51 PM
Kudzu Root 2 147 294 9/17/23 1:49:26 AM
Underground Spring Water 1 100 100 6/14/22 3:27:43 AM
Lime Basil 2 158 316 6/15/22 7:41:43 PM
Hydrozoan Umbrella 2 305 610 5/1/23 3:51:46 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,586

Profit/Loss Normal = -339

Profit/Loss HQ = -320

Current Prices

Price History

Anima Cross Server Data for Commanding Craftsman's Syrup on Mana

Anima 200 7,178 1,003 200 961 761 180 764,622 795 6/18/21 11:59:55 AM
Asura 189 8,304 1,048 189 998 772 998 988,713 990 6/18/21 9:22:37 AM
Chocobo 200 1,875 745 200 818 761 855 567,549 693 2/23/23 2:41:51 AM
Hades 315 153 525 315 641 646 300 109,028 170 2/26/23 2:33:07 AM
Ixion 373 8,680 1,019 373 917 588 970 1,461,883 1,594 6/18/21 7:08:49 AM
Masamune 315 7,264 1,019 315 964 646 978 627,081 650 6/18/21 8:51:28 AM
Pandaemonium 368 8,168 987 368 937 593 350 837,699 894 6/27/21 8:00:13 AM
Titan 420 9,614 989 420 938 541 941 1,497,210 1,596 6/18/21 10:06:40 AM