Bright Linen Yarn

Server: Anima

Last Updated: 6/15/22 11:57:11 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

46 816 816 816 2,904 1,000 66,808 23 2.00

Level 71 Weaver Recipe for Bright Linen Yarn

Lightning Crystal 3 10 30 7/24/22 3:04:49 PM
Bright Flax 4 189 756 6/15/22 6:02:24 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 786

Profit/Loss Normal = -62

Profit/Loss HQ = -67

71 Smilodonskin Trousers of Maiming
71 Brightlinen Hose of Scouting
78 Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Fending
78 Swallowskin Gloves of Fending
78 Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Fending
78 Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Fending
78 Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Maiming
78 Swallowskin Gloves of Maiming
78 Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Maiming
78 Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Maiming
78 Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Striking
78 Swallowskin Gloves of Striking
78 Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Striking
78 Swallowskin Shoes of Striking
79 Dwarven Cotton Turban of Aiming
78 Swallowskin Robe of Aiming
79 Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Aiming
78 Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Aiming
79 Dwarven Cotton Turban of Scouting
78 Swallowskin Jacket of Scouting
79 Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Scouting
78 Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Scouting
79 Swallowskin Robe of Healing
78 Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Healing
79 Swallowskin Shoes of Healing
79 Swallowskin Robe of Casting
78 Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Casting
79 Swallowskin Shoes of Casting
71 Deepgold Awl
71 Brightlinen Turban of Crafting
71 Brightlinen Doublet Vest of Crafting
71 Smilodonskin Gloves of Crafting
71 Brightlinen Bottoms of Crafting
71 Smilodonskin Shoes of Crafting
71 Brightlinen Turban of Gathering
71 Brightlinen Coat of Gathering
71 Smilodonskin Gloves of Gathering
71 Brightlinen Bottoms of Gathering
71 Smilodonskin Shoes of Gathering
71 White Oak Necklace
71 White Oak Bracelets
71 Smilodonskin Choker
71 Smilodonskin Wristband
71 Bright Linen Cloth

Current Prices

Price History

Anima Cross Server Data for Bright Linen Yarn on Mana

Anima 816 46 816 816 2,904 2,088 1,000 66,808 23 6/15/22 11:57:11 PM
Asura 210 1,011 735 210 198 2,694 202 2,578 13 6/15/22 10:20:11 PM
Chocobo 63 159 84 63 316 2,841 110 39,617 125 9/20/23 11:45:36 PM
Hades 105 378 151 105 0 0 0 0 0 2/14/23 2:29:23 AM
Ixion 150 405 1,050 150 0 0 0 0 0 2/18/23 8:37:05 AM
Masamune 153 190 210 153 251 2,751 102 7,038 28 6/15/22 10:01:57 PM
Pandaemonium 336 263 1,575 336 840 2,568 348 23,520 28 6/15/22 8:21:23 PM
Titan 315 419 315 315 393 2,589 300 5,113 13 6/15/22 10:54:15 PM