Ruby Cotton Cloth

Server: Anima

Last Updated: 6/16/21 4:31:13 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

310 315 419 315 400 400 1,600 4 77.50

Level 62 Weaver Recipe for Ruby Cotton Cloth

Lightning Crystal 2 10 20 7/24/22 3:04:49 PM
Ruby Cotton Yarn 3 108 324 4/4/23 2:56:56 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 344

Profit/Loss Normal = 656

Profit/Loss HQ = 656

Current Prices

Price History

Anima Cross Server Data for Ruby Cotton Cloth on Mana

Anima 315 310 419 315 400 85 400 1,600 4 6/16/21 4:31:13 PM
Asura 700 100 1,775 700 726 -300 888 5,088 7 6/14/22 6:43:20 PM
Chocobo 630 216 735 630 0 0 0 0 0 6/16/21 3:23:56 PM
Hades 1,838 280 1,838 1,838 1,870 -1,438 1,750 9,350 5 6/14/22 6:29:11 PM
Ixion 1,260 81 1,575 1,260 1,375 -860 1,200 30,250 22 6/14/22 5:12:27 PM
Masamune 735 148 845 735 488 -335 500 5,370 11 6/14/22 6:22:14 PM
Pandaemonium 2,835 88 3,149 2,835 2,011 -2,435 2,799 52,290 26 2/28/23 4:51:07 AM
Titan 1,148 328 1,892 1,148 1,263 -748 1,200 45,500 36 2/18/23 11:05:20 PM