Galleass Wheel

Server: Alpha

Last Updated: 6/14/24 8:13:15 AM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

10 145,800 145,800 139,798 149,998 698,990 5 2.00

Level 27 Blacksmith Recipe for Galleass Wheel

Fire Shard 3 73 219 3/6/23 4:57:58 PM
Earth Shard 2 50 100 3/2/23 10:58:26 PM
Iron Ingot 3 314 942 2/27/23 9:35:20 PM
Steel Ingot 1 977 977 10/28/24 6:00:22 PM
Steel Rivets 2 801 1,602 10/5/22 6:35:53 PM
Walnut Lumber 2 380 760 10/5/22 4:25:25 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,600

Profit/Loss Normal = 145,398

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Walnut Lumber
Fire Shard
Earth Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Alpha Cross Server Data for Galleass Wheel on Light

Lich 61,940 4 0 61,940 0 0 0 0 0 6/24/23 2:57:48 PM
Odin 24,150 16 0 24,150 44,492 115,648 44,492 44,492 1 5/18/23 2:39:45 PM
Phoenix 33,495 8 0 33,495 31,839 106,303 31,600 159,196 5 4/14/23 9:51:32 AM
Shiva 52,499 5 0 52,499 30,146 87,299 29,978 150,732 5 4/23/23 2:56:22 AM
Zodiark 46,498 11 0 46,498 44,284 93,300 50,000 221,421 5 4/26/23 7:55:03 PM
Twintania 35,698 9 0 35,698 30,529 104,100 34,649 152,649 5 6/26/23 1:47:42 AM
Alpha 145,800 10 0 145,800 139,798 -6,002 149,998 698,990 5 6/14/24 8:13:15 AM
Raiden 25,913 4 0 25,913 28,220 113,885 24,678 169,325 6 6/23/23 6:24:26 PM