Night Vinegar

Server: Alpha

Last Updated: 5/4/23 10:54:43 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

1026 424 469 424 513 448 26,166 51 20.10

Level 75 Culinarian Recipe for Night Vinegar

Royal Grapes 5 0 0
Fire Crystal 7 67 469 2/23/23 1:21:23 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 469

Profit/Loss Normal = 44

Profit/Loss HQ = 243

Current Prices

Price History

Alpha Cross Server Data for Night Vinegar on Light

Lich 103 950 105 103 257 410 275 7,979 31 6/11/23 10:48:05 AM
Odin 195 344 195 630 177 318 169 71,512 404 6/23/23 5:50:57 PM
Phoenix 158 474 158 202 560 355 190 121,643 217 6/24/23 11:53:26 PM
Shiva 400 434 1,100 400 490 113 390 339,277 691 10/20/24 10:08:54 AM
Zodiark 92 2,030 92 95 112 421 89 26,579 237 6/9/23 2:35:26 PM
Twintania 105 322 209 105 155 408 148 10,866 70 6/9/23 8:39:16 AM
Alpha 424 1,026 469 424 513 89 448 26,166 51 5/4/23 10:54:43 PM
Raiden 363 255 363 368 317 150 295 82,843 261 6/3/23 1:32:05 PM