Iron Pickaxe

Server: Alpha

Last Updated: 6/17/23 9:36:18 PM
Search Category: Miner's Tools | Item Category: Miner's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 16
More Information

Gathering info:

0 0 1,003 500 4,015 4 0.00

Level 20 Blacksmith Recipe for Iron Pickaxe

Fire Shard 1 73 73 3/6/23 4:57:58 PM
Earth Shard 1 50 50 3/2/23 10:58:26 PM
Iron Ingot 1 314 314 2/27/23 9:35:20 PM
Undyed Cotton Cloth 1 240 240 2/28/23 10:58:11 AM
Ash Lumber 1 41 41 6/25/23 1:57:01 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 718

Profit/Loss Normal = -218

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,282

Desynthesizes into:

Fieldcraft Demimateria I
Fire Shard
Earth Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Alpha Cross Server Data for Iron Pickaxe on Light

Lich 2,114 5 12,999 2,114 3,316 -1,111 2,111 19,901 6 5/21/23 9:35:19 PM
Odin 3,990 8 0 3,990 3,647 -2,987 11,000 36,471 10 6/16/20 11:19:47 AM
Phoenix 1,400 9 30,000 1,400 4,092 -397 1,000 49,115 12 6/26/21 8:55:12 PM
Shiva 4,445 4 0 4,445 7,000 -3,442 9,000 14,000 2 11/11/22 9:03:09 AM
Zodiark 900 4 0 900 805 103 2,000 16,114 20 7/25/21 1:38:55 PM
Twintania 16 11 0 16 288 987 16 5,771 20 8/6/21 1:42:23 PM
Alpha 0 0 0 0 1,003 1,003 500 4,015 4 6/17/23 9:36:18 PM