Oasis Partition Door

Server: Alpha

Last Updated: 5/2/23 4:55:58 AM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

3 5,754 5,754 5,367 5,000 69,776 13 0.20

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Oasis Partition Door

Ice Cluster 1 5 5 2/23/23 1:22:58 AM
Wind Cluster 2 129 258 6/8/24 8:53:31 PM
Electrum Ingot 1 800 800 5/2/24 9:14:37 AM
Walnut Lumber 4 380 1,520 10/5/22 4:25:25 PM
Steel Hinge 1 945 945 6/27/23 3:54:35 AM
Ancient Lumber 3 4,200 12,600 6/18/23 3:49:44 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 16,128

Profit/Loss Normal = -11,128

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Ancient Lumber
Wind Cluster
Ice Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Alpha Cross Server Data for Oasis Partition Door on Light

Lich 3,662 27 0 3,662 3,488 1,705 3,488 3,488 1 6/18/23 12:49:11 PM
Odin 3,489 21 0 3,489 1,703 1,878 2,498 30,655 18 6/18/24 12:31:13 PM
Phoenix 2,518 23 0 2,518 3,413 2,849 2,440 17,069 5 6/14/23 12:38:08 PM
Shiva 1,574 25 0 1,574 1,375 3,793 1,150 2,750 2 6/18/23 12:51:09 AM
Zodiark 4,452 28 0 4,452 4,287 915 4,324 8,574 2 4/23/23 11:49:07 AM
Twintania 6,295 14 0 6,295 4,985 -928 3,000 39,882 8 5/9/23 10:56:51 AM
Alpha 5,754 3 0 5,754 5,367 -387 5,000 69,776 13 5/2/23 4:55:58 AM
Raiden 7,402 10 0 7,402 6,894 -2,035 6,995 34,473 5 6/6/23 7:27:01 PM