Uraeus Coat

Server: Alpha

Last Updated: 6/24/23 5:00:00 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

6 78,645 78,645 78,645 55,371 69,999 276,856 5 1.20

Level 50 Leatherworker Recipe for Uraeus Coat

Wind Crystal 2 60 120 4/28/24 9:29:05 PM
Earth Crystal 3 31 93 3/2/23 8:57:24 PM
Rose Gold Nugget 2 1,050 2,100 2/23/23 10:26:21 AM
Dodore Leather 1 0 0
Uraeus Leather 2 8,295 16,590 10/8/23 11:57:45 AM
Undyed Woolen Cloth 2 1,995 3,990 3/23/23 7:57:37 PM
Woolen Yarn 1 578 578 10/4/23 2:14:06 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 23,471

Profit/Loss Normal = 10,408

Profit/Loss HQ = 10,406

Desynthesizes into:

Woolen Yarn
Earth Crystal
Wind Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Alpha Cross Server Data for Uraeus Coat on Light

Lich 14,175 35 14,175 14,175 13,500 41,196 13,500 67,500 5 6/24/23 1:02:13 PM
Odin 17,850 9 52,481 17,850 30,590 37,521 16,999 152,954 5 6/6/23 6:56:16 PM
Phoenix 20,990 8 20,990 21,000 0 0 0 0 0 3/21/23 9:54:03 PM
Shiva 95,000 6 99,988 95,000 82,660 -39,629 97,990 247,981 3 10/17/24 8:35:36 AM
Zodiark 14,700 14 14,700 21,000,002 14,001 40,671 14,002 70,006 5 6/24/23 1:55:56 PM
Twintania 34,644 5 34,644 0 32,395 20,727 32,994 161,978 5 6/22/23 10:45:51 PM
Alpha 78,645 6 78,645 78,645 55,371 -23,274 69,999 276,856 5 6/24/23 5:00:00 AM
Raiden 45,671 31 45,671 46,198 43,783 9,700 43,494 350,267 8 6/26/23 1:57:30 PM