The Scars of Battle Orchestrion Roll

Server: Alpha

Last Updated: 5/9/23 11:53:22 PM
Search Category: Orchestrion Components | Item Category: Orchestrion Roll | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

6 12,963 12,963 16,666 19,999 49,999 3 2.00

Level 50 Alchemist Recipe for The Scars of Battle Orchestrion Roll

Lightning Crystal 5 57 285 2/23/23 2:29:20 AM
Water Crystal 5 69 345 2/26/23 8:01:56 PM
Blank Grade 1 Orchestrion Roll 1 471 471 2/22/23 10:53:28 PM
Faded Copy of The Scars of Battle 1 0 0
Enchanted Gold Ink 1 473 473 6/17/23 7:56:08 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,574

Profit/Loss Normal = 40,476

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Alpha Cross Server Data for The Scars of Battle Orchestrion Roll on Light

Lich 8,899 17 0 8,899 8,049 7,767 8,395 64,392 8 12/23/21 6:56:57 PM
Odin 12,600 3 0 12,600 10,542 4,066 10,000 84,342 8 4/19/23 12:26:30 PM
Phoenix 7,854 17 0 7,854 7,374 8,812 7,500 29,498 4 2/13/23 3:11:39 AM
Shiva 30,973 5 0 30,973 29,345 -14,307 29,350 58,690 2 4/28/23 9:55:45 PM
Zodiark 5,243 16 0 5,243 7,399 11,423 6,999 14,799 2 5/4/23 1:13:54 PM
Twintania 15,117 9 0 15,117 14,533 1,549 14,397 58,132 4 5/1/23 7:37:55 PM
Alpha 12,963 6 0 12,963 16,666 3,703 19,999 49,999 3 5/9/23 11:53:22 PM
Raiden 12,829 6 0 12,829 15,999 3,837 16,000 31,999 2 4/14/23 10:46:00 PM