Adamantite Broadsword

Server: Alpha

Last Updated: 4/16/23 2:59:06 AM
Search Category: Gladiator's Arms | Item Category: Gladiator's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 207
More Information

Gathering info:

3 15,750 15,750 19,488 12,000 77,952 4 0.80

Level 58 Blacksmith Recipe for Adamantite Broadsword

Earth Crystal 5 31 155 3/2/23 8:57:24 PM
Aurum Regis Nugget 2 2,099 4,198 3/9/23 2:57:27 AM
Titanium Ingot 1 0 0
Adamantite Nugget 2 1,050 2,100 2/27/23 10:56:42 PM
Amphiptere Leather 1 483 483 3/28/23 10:54:47 AM
Wing Glue 1 3,885 3,885 6/18/23 10:48:39 AM
Fire Crystal 5 67 335 2/23/23 1:21:23 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 11,156

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,156

Profit/Loss HQ = 8,344

Desynthesizes into:

Titanium Ingot
Fire Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Alpha Cross Server Data for Adamantite Broadsword on Light

Lich 7,228 6 7,228 0 5,192 12,260 7,027 31,154 6 2/5/22 10:50:05 AM
Odin 13,000 9 23,500 13,000 21,963 6,488 20,319 109,818 5 6/24/20 1:50:53 PM
Phoenix 8,640 9 8,640 14,918 3,207 10,848 3,207 3,207 1 5/24/23 4:28:38 AM
Shiva 15,000 4 15,000 0 5,631 4,488 15,000 78,835 14 10/14/21 8:38:44 AM
Zodiark 31,490 5 31,490 31,500 0 0 0 0 0 4/2/23 4:57:23 PM
Twintania 9,999 13 9,999 20,000 15,000 9,489 15,000 15,000 1 6/3/22 10:56:43 PM
Alpha 15,750 3 15,750 0 19,488 3,738 12,000 77,952 4 4/16/23 2:59:06 AM
Raiden 20,995 4 20,995 0 15,799 -1,507 17,898 47,398 3 6/12/23 9:51:43 AM