Sailor Brais

Server: Aegis

Last Updated: 6/14/21 9:19:42 AM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

7 130,000 130,000 140,000 83,214 83,800 582,500 7 1.00

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Sailor Brais

Wind Crystal 2 36 72 9/13/23 9:00:54 AM
Lightning Crystal 3 15 45 9/11/22 7:06:10 AM
Silk Thread 2 735 1,470 6/14/22 11:26:02 AM
Mariner Cotton Cloth 2 56,700 113,400 6/21/23 9:43:05 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 114,987

Profit/Loss Normal = -34,987

Profit/Loss HQ = -31,187

Desynthesizes into:

Silk Thread
Lightning Crystal
Wind Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Aegis Cross Server Data for Sailor Brais on Elemental

Aegis 130,000 7 130,000 140,000 83,214 -46,786 83,800 582,500 7 6/14/21 9:19:42 AM
Atomos 84,002 9 105,000 84,002 74,500 -788 70,000 149,000 2 2/28/23 11:31:51 AM
Carbuncle 104,999 6 120,750 104,999 0 0 0 0 0 6/9/22 5:06:30 PM
Garuda 141,750 10 141,750 141,750 0 0 0 0 0 5/28/21 6:09:03 AM
Gungnir 180,000 10 188,800 180,000 222,800 -96,786 222,800 222,800 1 10/12/21 5:37:07 PM
Kujata 110,000 12 110,000 119,999 99,999 -26,786 100,000 199,999 2 11/19/21 1:37:31 PM
Tonberry 96,895 9 149,000 96,895 96,949 -13,681 96,900 193,899 2 5/12/22 10:14:43 PM
Typhon 93,450 8 93,450 134,400 0 0 0 0 0 5/30/21 6:38:08 PM