Treated Spruce Lumber

Server: Aegis

Last Updated: 2/20/23 7:28:17 AM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

263 5,775 7,244 5,775 1,258 6,850 31,470 25 10.50

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Treated Spruce Lumber

Wind Cluster 1 163 163 6/21/23 12:59:07 PM
Spruce Lumber 2 1,292 2,584 6/12/22 1:29:24 PM
Hardened Sap 9 313 2,817 6/15/22 7:14:55 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,564

Profit/Loss Normal = -564

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,436

Current Prices

Price History

Aegis Cross Server Data for Treated Spruce Lumber on Elemental

Aegis 5,775 263 7,244 5,775 1,258 -4,517 6,850 31,470 25 2/20/23 7:28:17 AM
Atomos 5,798 82 5,900 5,798 6,081 -4,540 5,000 559,503 92 7/19/22 8:01:32 AM
Carbuncle 6,195 16 6,300 6,195 6,271 -4,937 6,000 194,401 31 2/28/23 2:58:56 PM
Garuda 7,350 14 10,500 7,350 5,785 -6,092 6,500 40,498 7 2/22/23 10:22:44 AM
Gungnir 7,980 87 8,400 7,980 7,485 -6,722 8,000 381,737 51 2/28/23 7:58:46 AM
Kujata 6,600 63 6,750 6,600 6,823 -5,342 7,000 129,650 19 12/6/22 10:56:23 AM
Tonberry 8,925 19 8,925 9,450 8,833 -7,667 9,000 52,999 6 2/27/23 8:48:03 AM
Typhon 9,004 87 9,004 9,999 0 0 0 0 0 8/3/22 9:32:57 AM