Highland Classical Window

Server: Aegis

Last Updated: 4/7/23 12:59:43 PM
Search Category: Exterior Fixtures | Item Category: Window | Sell price to vendor: 45
More Information

Gathering info:

9 6,300 6,300 6,022 6,045 12,045 2 4.50

Level 60 Alchemist Recipe for Highland Classical Window

Lightning Crystal 5 15 75 9/11/22 7:06:10 AM
Dark Chestnut Lumber 4 945 3,780 6/11/23 7:47:13 PM
Water Crystal 6 28 168 9/13/23 2:29:29 AM
Clear Glass Lens 4 70 280 10/6/23 1:42:23 PM
Marble 2 105 210 3/9/23 5:29:22 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,513

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,532

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Aegis Cross Server Data for Highland Classical Window on Elemental

Aegis 6,300 9 0 6,300 6,022 -278 6,045 12,045 2 4/7/23 12:59:43 PM
Atomos 29,400 15 0 29,400 29,800 -23,378 29,800 29,800 1 5/31/23 7:27:53 PM
Carbuncle 0 0 0 0 7,627 6,022 10,045 38,135 5 6/15/22 3:45:43 PM
Garuda 15,750 1 0 15,750 17,475 -9,728 20,000 69,900 4 6/15/22 7:14:27 PM
Gungnir 25,200 9 0 25,200 27,000 -19,178 27,000 54,000 2 6/15/22 5:10:10 PM
Kujata 36,729 3 0 36,729 35,045 -30,707 35,045 70,090 2 6/15/22 7:24:11 PM
Tonberry 20,895 4 0 20,895 0 0 0 0 0 6/6/23 11:28:00 AM
Typhon 73,500 2 0 73,500 69,916 -67,478 69,990 349,580 5 6/15/22 4:34:11 PM