Mazlaya Greens

Server: Aegis

Last Updated: 5/28/21 5:59:49 AM
Search Category: Miscellany | Item Category: Miscellany | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

50 Lower La Noscea, La Noscea
50 Western La Noscea, La Noscea
50 Central Shroud, The Black Shroud
50 East Shroud, The Black Shroud
50 Eastern Thanalan, Thanalan
50 Cedarwood, La Noscea Region: Lower La Noscea
50 Quarterstone, La Noscea Region: Western La Noscea
50 Sorrel Haven, The Black Shroud Region: Central Shroud
50 The Honey Yard, The Black Shroud Region: East Shroud
50 Drybone, Thanalan Region: Eastern Thanalan

49 1,995 1,995 0 0 0 0 100.00

Current Prices

Price History

Aegis Cross Server Data for Mazlaya Greens on Elemental

Aegis 1,995 49 0 1,995 0 0 0 0 0 5/28/21 5:59:49 AM
Atomos 420 326 0 420 0 0 0 0 0 5/28/21 7:09:40 AM
Carbuncle 945 9 0 945 0 0 0 0 0 5/28/21 7:30:03 AM
Garuda 630 31 0 630 455 -630 500 2,279 5 6/11/22 5:33:54 PM
Gungnir 366 45 0 366 0 0 0 0 0 5/27/21 10:23:17 PM
Kujata 945 8 0 945 499 -945 500 2,997 6 6/11/22 5:43:48 PM
Tonberry 449 63 0 449 210 -449 740 6,101 29 10/27/23 7:30:15 AM
Typhon 200 87 0 200 81 -200 95 654 8 6/19/23 11:59:02 PM