Transmutation for Zalera

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First, complete the level 19 quest Marvelously Mutable Materia from Kokosamu in Central Thanalan (23x, 14y), then complete Life, Materia and Everything from our friend Minfilia in The Waking Sands (6x, y6) if you haven't.

You can now talk to Mutamix Bubblypots in Central Thanalan (23x,13y) and trade him 5 pieces of materia. He will then give you a random materia that won't be one of the ones you gave him and of the same grade or higher.

Now you are ready to use this tool, if you have the app just look for the materia VI and V prices to update them. Then buy 5 different types of materia, the cheapest ones with positive profit numbers you can find on the list. Trade the 5 different materia to Mutamix and with enough repetitions of this you will profit(By getting more expensive materia in return).

Every trade has a risk of loss, but overall(if profitable on the list) you will profit, so do this with a healthy gil account(depends on server prices).

Another risk is that prices will vary from the point you made the purchase to the point you are selling the materia. Do it at your own risk, there is an element of chance but if profitable, the odds are in your favor. If you use 5 of the cheapest materia, your profit will potentially be closer to the Improved Profit side, if you use 5 of the most expensive but profitable materia it could be even less than the Profit shown as this assumes average but still profitable prices.

If any prices below have 0 it means they have not been updated in our database, we update our database through volunteers using THIS app. Any questions/comments? Join our Discord

Approximate statistical breakeven to buy any materia V at 327

Approximate statistical breakeven to buy any materia VI at 547

Approximate statistical breakeven to buy any materia VII at 433

Approximate statistical breakeven to buy any materia VIII at 80

Craftsman's Command Materia VI 1,400 -4,265 -4,476
Craftsman's Competence Materia VI 146 2,005 1,794
Craftsman's Cunning Materia VI 6,500 -29,765 -29,976
Gatherer's Guile Materia VI 99 2,240 2,029
Savage Aim Materia VI 140 2,035 1,824
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia VI 105 2,210 1,999
Heavens' Eye Materia VI 239 1,540 1,329
Gatherer's Grasp Materia VI 185 1,810 1,599
Savage Might Materia VI 420 635 424
Strength Materia VI 4,188 -18,205 -18,416
Vitality Materia VI 1,188 -3,205 -3,416
Piety Materia VI 149 1,990 1,779
Quicktongue Materia VI 380 835 624
Mind Materia VI 7,875 -36,640 -36,851
Battledance Materia VI 146 2,005 1,794
Dexterity Materia VI 8,000 -37,265 -37,476
Quickarm Materia VI 136 2,055 1,844
Intelligence Materia VI 17,950 -87,015 -87,226
Piety Materia VII 158 1,379 1,011
Heavens' Eye Materia VII 152 1,409 1,041
Savage Aim Materia VII 159 1,374 1,006
Savage Might Materia VII 157 1,384 1,016
Battledance Materia VII 159 1,374 1,006
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia VII 14,695 -71,306 -71,674
Gatherer's Guile Materia VII 3,300 -14,331 -14,699
Gatherer's Grasp Materia VII 3,000 -12,831 -13,199
Craftsman's Competence Materia VII 4,800 -21,831 -22,199
Craftsman's Cunning Materia VII 0 2,169 1,801
Craftsman's Command Materia VII 1,363 -4,646 -5,014
Quickarm Materia VII 100 1,669 1,301
Quicktongue Materia VII 154 1,399 1,031
Piety Materia VIII 105 -121 -87
Heavens' Eye Materia VIII 200 -596 -562
Savage Aim Materia VIII 200 -596 -562
Savage Might Materia VIII 375 -1,471 -1,437
Battledance Materia VIII 158 -386 -352
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia VIII 365 -1,421 -1,387
Gatherer's Guile Materia VIII 498 -2,086 -2,052
Gatherer's Grasp Materia VIII 1,200 -5,596 -5,562
Craftsman's Competence Materia VIII 239 -791 -757
Craftsman's Cunning Materia VIII 810 -3,646 -3,612
Craftsman's Command Materia VIII 664 -2,916 -2,882
Quickarm Materia VIII 290 -1,046 -1,012
Quicktongue Materia VIII 160 -396 -362
Savage Aim Materia V 119 1,129 968
Heavens' Eye Materia V 105 1,199 1,038
Quickarm Materia V 105 1,199 1,038
Savage Might Materia V 121 1,119 958
Quicktongue Materia V 98 1,234 1,073
Dexterity Materia V 699 -1,771 -1,932
Vitality Materia V 1,491 -5,731 -5,892
Intelligence Materia V 3,810 -17,326 -17,487
Piety Materia V 117 1,139 978
Strength Materia V 5,000 -23,276 -23,437
Mind Materia V 1,000 -3,276 -3,437
Battledance Materia V 115 1,149 988
Craftsman's Cunning Materia V 9,500 -45,776 -45,937
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia V 798 -2,266 -2,427
Gatherer's Guile Materia V 3,149 -14,021 -14,182
Gatherer's Grasp Materia V 219 629 468
Craftsman's Competence Materia V 315 149 -12
Craftsman's Command Materia V 2,700 -11,776 -11,937